Employment Step 1

Interested in employment with Texas HVAC Prep Course? This is a two-step process. As Step 1, please take the test below and submit. The confirmation will contain the link for Step 2. Your application and test score will be combined in consideration of your potential employment. Thanks for your interest!

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1. When you take the real exam, you have on average ______ mins per question to select your answer.
2. All books come in a 3-ring binder - except the ___________________________
3. For the AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION CONTRACTOR OCCUPATIONS CODE (THE LAW) book how much does the Pre-Highlighted book cost $________
4. What are the Names of the code books?
5. You will receive _________access for _____months to our online prep course:
6. Since __________ we’ve been helping people just like you pass their Texas HVAC Exam!
7. Experience form must be filled out by someone who will verify your___________of experience.
8. What phone number do you call to contact the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation in Austin ( 512) __________________
9. On the TDLR LICENSE APPLICATION FORM You must submit the license application with appropriate fees ________________
10. Class B Environmental Air Conditioning endorsement entitles the license holder to engage in air conditioning contracting for environmental air conditioning in relation to a system, a product, or equipment of not more than: (________) tons cooling capacity; or (2) 1.5 million British thermal units per hour output heating capacity
11. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation is located in _________________________
12. The Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation (TDLR) has contracted with ______________________to deliver its examinations.
13. The examinations are __________________?
14. ENVIRONMENTAL AIR – CLASS A (ENGLISH) cost is _________.
15. Environmental Air – Class B has how many questions on its test ____________ Items - and what percent do you need to score to pass ________
16. How much does the Full Course Package cost ___________________plus tax and shipping
17. How much is the Audio Study practice test $____________
18. How much is the Combo Guides package, with both the Written & Audio Guides _________________
19.Class A Commercial Refrigeration exam has how many questions? and how long is the exam______
20. What book is not included in our Four Pre-Highlighted Books package?
21. Name ONE OF THREE requirements from TDLR that a person must provide on the TDLR application before submitting their application
22.Name a sec requirements from TDLR that a person must provide on the TDLR application before submitting their application
23. How often can I take the TDLR exam?
24. Do I have to keep insurance on my license?
25. Can I highlight my books before taking the exam?
26. After finishing taking my exam, when will I know if I passed or failed my test ?
27. How often and how much do I have to pay to renew my license ?
28. I am in the military. Do you offer any kind of discounts?
29. What phone number do I call to contact your company ?
30. What is the company website address?
31. What is the purpose of the ID Number from TDLR ?
32. On average, how long does TDLR take to process your application and mail you a postcard with your ID number?
33. How long is my ID number valid, or when does it expire?
34. What do I have to do if my ID expires before I pass my exam?
35. How often do I I have to renew my license and do my CE (Continuing Education)?
36. Can I add book tabs on my books to help me find answers to the test questions?
37. Will I need to use a Ductulator on my exam to work out conversion questions?
38. What is the purpose of the books videos?
39. When should I register and schedule with PSI for my exam?
40. Why are there so many practice tests with this course?
41. On our website the Scripture says, The word of God says if you don't ___________ you shall have it!
42.On our website under what title will you find our Free Sample 10 Test Questions?
43. Name two of the Big Advantages of Our Online Course.
44. How many steps are listed on our Step By Step Instructions to Get Your HVAC License on the website?
45. What is Advantage of leaning with our Audio Practice Test Questions and Answer Guide.
46. Can our company website can be viewed in Spanish and English?
47. How many books come in Spanish from TDLR?
48. When taking your exam, and you have 120 questions, What must you score to make a passing grade?
49. Can a License HVAC contractor assign his license to another company legally?
50. The EPA License is required in order to buy Freon from your local HVAC Supply store.